SIEFIT started as a journey for myself. The journey started with me being unhappy with the way my life was going. Although I was graduating college with a B.A. in Criminal Justice, came from a great family, great friends, and what seemed to be a great life for a 23 year old... but I still wasn't happy. Something was missing but for a long time I still went about life as normal masking the feeling away with more things that truly didn't make me happy. I was making myself super busy but not really serving a purpose. I had a strong burning desire to serve purpose and that was enough for me to start over, discover self-love, and reinvent myself S.piritually, I.ntellectually, and E.motionally through F.itness (SIEFIT.) Now I live to help others do the same.
Most people see me as just "fit," but once they've been around me they understand that it's more to fitness than looking good. The skills clients learn by training with me online or in-person surpass just looking good. My clients rebuild confidence, find self-love, fight depression, and become healthier spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally so they can go out and serve their purpose to the world.
"I want every woman to feel like a beast, like they can conquer and get through anything. To find what it is they truly want to do and have the confidence to pursue it. The pursuit of purpose won't always be easy but it will always be worth it. Do what you love and not what you have to do. Let me help you start the journey."